Friday, October 22, 2010

October Oils

Profile picture with coffee. Oil on canvas. 16'' x 20''

My dead flowers and grapefruit. Oil on Sari fabric. 16'' x 19''

Girl in Victorian chair with white. Oil on canvas panel. 12'' x 16''

String Quartet. Oil on canvas. 16'' x 20''

Four nudes ( study of simplifying value), after David Park. Oil on canvas. 16" x 20"

Original Reclined Nude. Oil on canvas panel. 12" x 16"


  1. Kim! Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous. I especially love your self-portrait/profile picture. I really don't know anything about art, so I don't have a lot to say other than you are REALLY talented. I do have a question, on your portrait/profile picture why did you choose to blur your nose and mouth?

    Keeping posting! I love looking at your art.

  2. I just found out how to view comments on the blog... I've never noticed this before, so yours is the first one I've seen! How silly of me.

    I painted and repainted the mouth and nose ten different times and decided I'd revisit it later if I desired. I'm not sure why, but somehow I like it without a full face. It's still very much "me" with or without those features anyhow, so I kept it that way. Thanks for asking. :)
